Durex Industries manufactures shim stock thermocouples with various options.

Thermocouple Types

Thermocouple Type Codes Limits of Error
E J K T Standard Limits
2 3 4 8 Special Limits

Junction Types

Code Single Junction
G Grounded
U Ungrounded

Dimensional Chart

"L" Dimensions "B" Dimensions "A" Dimensions Fractional Dimension
Letter Codes
“L” dimensions are specified in whole inches and a single alpha character which represents a fraction. Enter the three digit code as follows: “B” dimensions are specified in fractions from ⅛” to 1”. Use the single alpha character to indicate the tip length. Enter the code as follows: “A” dimensions are
specified in whole inches only. Enter the three digit code as follows:
1/16" A 11/16" L
1/8" B 3/4" M
3/16" C 13/16" N
1/4" D 7/8" P
5/16" E 15/16" R
3" 030 10 5/8" 10K 3/8" F 1" S
4 1/2" 04H 12" 120 1/8" B 5/8" K 9" 009 7/16" G 0 No
6 1/4" 06D 15 3/8" 15F 1/4" D 3/4" M 12" 012 1/2" H    
7 7/8" 07P 17 3/4" 17M 3/8" F 7/8" P 36" 036 9/16" J    
9 5/8" 09K 22 1/8" 22B 1/2" H 1" S 144" 144 5/8" K    

Leadwire Types

Leadwire Type Code Leadwire Type Description
G Stranded Fiberglass Leadwire with Fiberglass Jacket
H Stranded Fiberglass Leadwire with SS Overbraid Shield
J Stranded Fiberglass Leadwire with SS Armor Cable Shield

Termination Options

Termination Option Code Termination Option Description
0 2" Split Leads
1 #6 Spade Lugs
3 Standard Plug


Pad Options

Pad Type Code Pad Type Description
S 3/4” x 3/4” x .007” Thick
P 1” x 1” x .032” Thick
B 1” x 1” x .060” Thick

To learn more about our shim stock thermocouple solutions call us at (800) 739-9060 or contact us below.

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